I Am Turning Into My Mom
Friday, June 1, 2012
I have been asked many times, due to my hundreds of tweets and Facebook posts, if I am related to Lauren Spierer. I am not, but then again I...
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Best Skin Ever
Mexico is sunny, I drink a lot when it's sunny, therefore I forget to re-apply sunscreen when im drinking too much... So long story sho...
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Eye Envy
I don't know why, but I get compliments on my eyes all the time. They aren't that special, they are kind of big I suppose, and I gue...
Friday, January 13, 2012
What To Expect
I'm Turning Into My Mom
All Things Fabulous
I have been asked many times by my clients, colleagues and friends, "Why don't you do a blog? You know everything and your so ...
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